

Sail Boat Video
This is a short video that I made and rendered in Blender.  I used the mesh objects (the boat), cloth simulation in physics (the sail), wind simulation (the wind), the ocean modifier (the ocean), world material and color (the sky), and UV wrapping and texture (the ocean floor).

Wood Text
I watched a tutorial for this design.  I created a rounded cube and UV mapped a wood image to it.  I then created text and made it 3D.  I put the text so it would appear inside the cube.  I then applied a filter and modifier to make the wood cube shred into pieces and the text appeared.  

Leather Cloth
I used the cloth property in physics and used the preset for leather.  I then had the leather fall onto a cube object which I made an object that will collide with the cloth.  I then rendered it as video.

Fruit in Water
I used the liquid modifier in physics to create the water.  I used a sphere and colored it orange.  I then rendered it as a image.

Transparent Plane
I first made a basic plane and then changed the material to make it look transparent.  I then added a sphere and a plane.  I made the sphere reflective and the plane a reflective blue.  I then changed the sky color to a mix of yellow and blue.

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